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the project

“Youngsters nowadays. Where from, where to?” is an Erasmus+ project, under the key action 2 (ka2) Strategic School Partnership, coordinated by COLEGIUL NATIONAL ION LUCA CARAGIALE’’- MORENI, ROMANIA, in cooperation with the Turkish school AHMET ERDEM ANDOLU LISESI from Bursa, the Greek GYMNASION ME LYKEIAKES TAXEIS ASOPIAS from Assopia, the Italian ISTITUTO TECNICO TECNOLOGICO G. MALAFARINA from Soverato and the Portuguese INSIGNARE ASSOCIACAO DE ENSINO E FORMACAO from Ourém. Youngsters’ lives nowadays are under a lot of pressure posed by the continuous changes in their familiar surroundings, whether they are educational requirements and needs, recreational trends, professional demands, information speed, dietary tendencies, discrimination, social exclusion, environmental issues. They need to acquire and improve the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes that will enable them to cope with these relentless modifications, be healthy and in a state of wellbeing that will allow them to spot opportunities, benefit from them or create them so that these will empower them to prosper as individuals, members of society, as professional, in a world free of social exclusion and with less environmental concerns. This is what youngsters in our schools, in Europe, have to face nowadays and it is our schools’ duty to prepare them for today’s and tomorrow’s society. The needs of development that our schools identified through the questionnaires and SWOT analyses they applied and did, have revealed that our students will have to acquire and increase the skills, knowledge and meaningful attitudes that will enable them to deal with, and blossom, in this ever-changing world, thus they need to develop relevant and high quality skills, together with knowledge and useful attitudes, such as their health and wellbeing. They need to know how to spend their leisure time activities so that they will have an impact on their personal and educational development. They need to read more, to develop reading habit and literacy to improve their knowledge of the world, and ability to comprehend better. They need to have better skills, competences, knowledge and attitudes about the job market, job trends, job preparations and job interviews. They need to enhance their environmental and cultural awareness, together with improvement of ICT and English skills, tolerance, respect and understanding for those who are different from them, so that they will militate to eradicate social exclusion.
Our partnership is based on cooperation and communication. The moment we designed the project activities and final products we have established each partner school’s responsibilities in such a way that we have taken into account the activities and the final products that can be done in a certain Learning/ Teaching/ Training activities or Transnational project meeting, so that we shall get the maximum results, as we will use the experience, expertise, the specialization that the respective school and project team offer. We have mutually agreed that the responsibilities will be, as follows:Romanian team: - the overall coordinator monitor the budget at project level, setting up the project coordinators yahoo group;- overall project progress reports in which there will be the monitoring of the project activities; - evaluation of the 1st year and 2nd year of the project with SWOT analyses; Italian team:- setting up the project homepage and responsible for its good functioning; - overseeing the materials uploaded on the project website;- uploading the materials about teaching literature on Moodle platform- in charge with the organization of the logo contest; Portuguese team:- in charge with the disseminations at project level; - responsible for monitoring the dissemination plan with schedule, deadlines to be respected; - designing the questionnaire for the evaluation of the dissemination activities applied according to a schedule;- writing the evaluation of the dissemination with a SWOT analyses. Turkish team:- in charge with the evaluations of the Learning / Teaching/ Training Activities. They will interpret the results, do the SWOT analyses and the evaluation report; - in charge with the project Facebook community; - responsible for the data collection for writing the 1st year and 2 year evaluation of the project.- responsible for organizing the Skype sessions between the coordinators according to the schedule; - the evaluation of the Skype session, done at the end of each interval, according to the plan for online Skype communication, SWOT analyses; Greek team :- in charge with the project Twin- space;- in charge with the evaluations of the Transnational project meetings ( M1-M3). They will interpret the results, do SWOT analyses and write the evaluation report. The coordinators and teachers, members of the project from each school will be in charge with: - Devising the questionnaires for the surveys on food, sports, leisure time activities and for the evaluations of C1 –C3, M1-M3 at each school level; - Project progress evaluation in each school; - Transnational project meeting organization and Learning/ Teaching/ Training Activities’ logistics, materials, equipment – each host school; - The report about each school project bookkeeping; - Applying the questionnaire for the project meeting evaluation (the host school); - Monitoring the dissemination plan at school level; - Food, sports, environmental campaigns –each school- Erasmus+ results platform - Final reportTo achieve the project objectives we have established to have 3 Learning/Teaching/Training Activities (C1-C3) and 3 Transnational meetings (M1-M3).M1- at our partner school in Greece in November 2017C1- in Portugal, in April 2018, dedicated to achieving the goals related to youngsters’ food and sportsM2- in Turkey in June 2018C2- in Italy, in October 2018, dedicated to achieving the aims related to youngsters’ leisure time and literatureC3- in Romania, in March 2019 dedicate to fulfilling the aims about environment and jobs.M3- in Greece, in June 2019The calendar of our activities will be as follows:A1: Project presentation (Sept- Oct 2017) and project team selection. We aim to inform the candidates about the project aims and expected results and to select the best candidates. The place is each school and the responsible is the coordinator. The target group: students/ teachers who have identified or for whom the school has identified the need to develop their English/ ITC skills, to raise their cultural awareness, to improve their health/ wellbeing, want to militate actively for a safer environment, for tolerance, people’s security and enhance their chances of better jobs. We expect to candidates and the best to be selected. A2- Food and sports (Nov 2017- April 2018). We aim to do research, make presentations based on surveys, to prepare the youngsters’ for a better life in terms of health and wellbeing, to improve their life skills, English, ICT competences. A3-Logo contest (April- May 2018): the aim is to make students employ their creative and artistic skills, activate their competitive spirit. A4-Healthy Eating Week (May 2018), A Day of Sports (June 2018): to make local community acquire the skills for healthy living and wellbeing. A6- Environment and jobs (Nov 2018- March 2019). We aim to make youngsters’ environmentally-friendly, to improve their skills to have better chances to get good jobs. A7- Environmental campaign “We care”(April 2019)- to make local community act against pollution.A8- A job fair (May 2019) – to improve students’ preparation for their future jobs. A7 and A8 will be organized by each project team. A9- Dissemination of results and their evaluation (Nov 2017- July 2019). We aim to make the project results known, we will organize disseminations after C1-C3, M1-M3, in Nov 2017, April, July, Oct 2018, March, June 2019, in each school, plus extra activities planned at project level. The coordinators and the teacher in charge with disseminations will supervise the activities. We address to each school’s staff, students and the local community. A11- The final report (June- Aug 2019). We will make the project results known. Each coordinator will present the local results and the overall coordinator will load the final products on the dissemination platform.


© 2017 by Franco Babbo

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