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The aims of “Youngsters Nowadays. Where from, where to?” are: â€¨1. Improving lifestyles (eating habits, personal welfare, sports, reading, recreational activities that have a positive impact on personal and educational development);
2. Developing linguistic competence through reading, enhancing communication skills in English and improving digital skills;
3. Promoting eco-education by actively militating for a safer and cleaner environment;
4. Acquiring relevant knowledge about the steps needed to integrate successfully into the labor market, which is in a continuous change, and accessing opportunities appropriate to the level of study and skills gained;
5. Cultivating civic spirit, an attitude of tolerance, respect, equality of opportunity, promotion of national values;
6. Raising cultural awareness;
7. Increasing students’ motivation to continue studying.
As a partnership, starting from our identified needs, we pinpointed as relevant and high quality skills:
– the improvement of the target group’s health and wellbeing;
– the enhanced quality of their leisure time activities so that they will spend their free time in a more constructive way;
– the development of literacy and reading skills so that they will use their spare time to read more to acquire knowledge of the world;
– the increase of their involvement in environmental protection so that they should act and militate for a planet with less pollution starting from their actions;
– the enhancement of their opportunities for the job market through the skills, competences and attitudes they will acquire while doing the activities from our implementation plan;
– the improvement of their ICT and English skills which will help them in their everyday life, school activities and their future jobs;
– the raise of their cultural awareness so that they should know who they are in terms of cultural background and national heritage, improve their knowledge, understanding and respect for other nations and benefit from this enhancement of cultural awareness in their everyday lives, when they travel or at their future workplace;
-the enhancement of opportunities and motivation for youngsters from underprivileged backgrounds to continue their education, improve their health and wellbeing, act for their professional and personal development so that they will have better chances to integrate in society without being subjected to social exclusion in their own country or abroad.



© 2017 by Franco Babbo

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